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2024-05-08 14:17:03

:kitten: Meow! New Kitten just dropped:
• Uploads are now listed in the Small Web Place Settings (/💕/settings) of all Kitten apps.
#Kitten #SmallWeb #SmallTech

Screenshot of Small Web Place Settings tab (https://localhost/💕/settings/) in browser:

At the top is a partial view of some data about uploads from a database table listing. Under that is an App database (db): “This is your app’s database.” Under that is a partial listing of the images table showing two objects:

  "path": "/uploads/8e9a18fe-0c2f-4f67-89ae-052e38159c60/",
  "altText": "70-topological-decentralisation.png"
  "path": "/uploads/4f28a42f-6e10-46ba-9359-aa41e096d453/",
2024-04-08 04:10:43

On my way home from @…. Everyone was so welcoming and friendly. I had such a great time, and I can't wait to visit Brazil again! ❤️🇧🇷
2024-04-08 09:14:50

Beautiful run this morning while listening to the #RealWorldCrypto talks. They’re out on YouTube:
2024-03-07 11:01:00

DxO PureRaw 4: Raw-Import mit Rauschminderung und Objektivkorrektur
PureRaw 4 bereitet Raw-Dateien für beliebige Raw-Entwickler vor. Dabei korrigiert es Bildrauschen laut DxO besser als zuvor sowie erstmals auch Objektivfehler.
2024-03-07 13:38:30

A garden full of patented waffle designs (all issued in 2004-2005 to Tilia International, Inc. of San Francisco):

waffle shaped like a daisy
waffle shaped like a rose
waffle shaped like a sunflower
2024-03-08 22:04:52

In the fabric shop

Colourful fabrics lined up on a shelf
Colourful rolls of cotton on a shop display (most of them are brown, it has to be said)
A brightly coloured striped pattern on some fabric, like a neon rainbow
Loads of fabrics lined up on shelfs, all sorts of colours and patterns
2024-03-07 15:42:20

Today’s cemetery bike ride… I tried to hit every path on the south side. Also my left hand got a little numb after the ride. (This was a slightly longer ride than usual.)
#bikes #biking #mke

Map of a cemetery bike ride.
Map of a cemetery bike ride.
2024-02-09 03:09:41

Excellent news: Surge in #endometriosis research after decades of underfunding could herald new era for women’s health - Nature Medicine
"Endometriosis affects 1 in 9 women and people who menstruate (which can include transgender men and non-binary people) — an estimated 190 million people globally. But like women’s health in general, the condition has been “disregarded, overlo…

Endometriosis staging is based on the location, extent and depth of disease, but little is known about progression, and the number or location of lesions does not correlate with symptoms. Figure adapted from ref. 20, Springer Nature.
copy from the article
2024-03-08 10:57:54
Content warning:

It's #InternationalWomensDay and the #vulva is still a taboo. The vulva is regarded as ugly and something to be ashamed of and talking about it is considered obscene and vulgar. In #ancientGreece

Roman marble scultpure of Aphrodite with a smooth mons veneris.
Clay votive offering of a vulva depicting a hairless pubic triangle with a clear slit.
2024-03-07 18:02:59

Drive over Santa Lucia Mountains to Cambria – Jason Haas Via
2024-03-08 00:24:01

Check out #TCEA online courses. Find them all at #edtech

A picture advertising an online course available for $39 via a nonprofit organization TCEA
A picture advertising an online course available for $39 via a nonprofit organization TCEA
2024-03-08 15:14:24

During #APISIXNorthAmericaTour, I spoke yesterday at the Chicago JUG with the help of Mary Grygleski and had an amazing audience!
Next stop at the Boulder JUG next Tuesday. Don’t miss it if you are in the vicinity !
2024-05-08 04:04:17

Ruined paddle boat pulled out of the #YellowstoneRiver
2024-02-09 08:07:00

Maitliss says "they've just got to not be incompetent, or not be cruel, or not be divided." But #Labour are both incompetent and divided: their handling of the £28 Bn pledge demonstrates both those things; and they are cruel, their silence on #GazaGenocide, on
2024-03-07 21:49:29

Great piece by Arundhati Roy on Gaza:

Even though the highest court in the world believes that almost every indicator seems to meet the legal definition of genocide, IDF soldiers continue to put out their mocking “victory videos” celebrating what almost look like fiendish rituals. They believe that there is no power in the world that will hold them to account. But they are wrong. They and their children’s children will be haunted by what they have done. They will have to live with the loathing and the abhorrence the world feels for…
2024-04-07 21:35:35

Das Protokoll und die Rede als zum ersten Mal als im deutschen Bundestag das Wort „Heimatverräter” aufgekommen ist, ist genau so schlimm wie man es sich vorstellt, aber nicht aus den Gründen die man denkt. Lest selbst hier.
2024-04-08 06:30:02

How to watch an eclipse without risking your eyesight.
All you need is something with a little hole in it, and a surface to watch the shadow on :)
Photos from a partial eclipse over Oslo, August 1st, 2008.

Capturing a partially eclipsed sun shining through the hole in a Norwegian 1 Krone coin (Oslo, Aug 1st, 2008)
A Norwegian 1 Krone coin with a center hole.
Partially eclipsed sun shining through small holes in a window blind and onto a desktop, and creating a crescent shaped light spot. (Oslo, Aug 1st, 2008)

Capturing a partially eclipsed sun shining through the hole in a Norwegian 1 Krone coin (Oslo, Aug 1st, 2008)
2024-03-08 16:49:30

Twee dagen bezig geweest met het zomerklaar maken van het zwarte ei. En nu het eerste kooksel: coleslaw van geroosterde kool en straks nog wat seitanworstjes.

Kamado binnenkant
Vers geseasonde grillrooster
Grillende kool
2024-04-08 16:06:50

Het blijft tamelijk bizar dat partijen als #VVD #NSC en #BBB tijdens de informatie om de tafel zitten met Wilders. Terwijl hij deze maand optreedt met een aantal extremisten en minimaal 1 echte fascist (Posobiec). …

Orban, Wilders Posobiec and other right-wing extremist speakers at CPAC a conference organised by Orban.
2024-04-08 12:21:12

Waking up to bright blue skies in Vermont for Eclipse Day! Hoping they will stay that way… although current forecasts call for high, translucent clouds to come in during the early afternoon. (Which still should be okay for eclipse viewing.) The fun begins around 2:20pm, with totality at 3:26, and then it all ending by 4:30-ish.

A photo of a cloudless blue sky with a green pine tree on the left side
2024-05-08 20:28:13

Every few months, I come back to rewriting a #todo app in #aspnetcore, sometimes it's with Blazor, sometimes it's Razor Pages, and this time with #Htmx (although I may have already done HTMX 😅)

Htmx-powered todo app.
2024-03-09 08:46:19

Wind and solar produced over 20 GW in the Netherlands yesterday afternoon; that was 135% of national electricity demand at that time!
#windpower #windenergy #offshorewind

Pie chart and graph showing afternoon peak of 12 GW solar on top of 8 GW wind.
2024-05-09 01:49:19

First school run by bike since we moved to the forest last year!
Kiddo was stoked. (As was I.)
School run by e-bike vs. by e-car:
Distance: about the same
Travel time: about the same
Cost of electricity: $1.50 round trip by car, vs. $0.20 round trip by e-bike. (Car route goes around a mountain, whereas bike route goes over a mountain each way.)
Exercise benefit of biking: Immense. Looking forward to getting back in shape!
Benefit of not using fossil…

A kiddo on an ebike on a rail+trail path.
A kiddo on an ebike on a college campus bike path.
A map overlay showing the school run route by bike.
Workout stats.
2024-05-08 11:24:31

De AI-gebaseerde Spotify transcripties gaan soms de mist in, en deze is een pareltje. #nerdland @…
Sorry Lieven, dit is nu de intro:
"... met uw gastheer Brieven Scheren.
oh, een kut."

Screenshot of Spotify audio transcription that goes very wrong, saying:

"Met uw gastheer brieven scheren, oh een kut, de everyone welcome to another episode of the nerdland"
2024-03-08 16:41:47

Pinched from link to original post in the #AltText
Text: “No. This has to be satire. It HAS to be.”
#AiArt #humor



• a prompt was not created within 10 seconds

• generating for the right result can take hours

• some makers PAY for using generators

• some creativity and vocabulary are required

• to deliver quality, you cannot master this in 1 day

• we don't make tangible things with our hands, but that doesn't mean no effort is made
Original post from blue sky by user nowhere.
Text reads “No. This has to be satire. It HAS to be.”
2024-03-09 00:13:14

Cave of wonders.
2 Free wallpapers for you to use.
Also uploaded to my Ko-fi completely uncompressed for free here: #AIart

A pixel art image depicting a fantastical cave scene. The cavern is vast, with high ceilings dotted with stalactites. Glowing golden lights illuminate the interior, suggesting the presence of a civilization with buildings structured in a classical architectural style. A river flows gently through the cave, reflecting the light from the buildings and the luminescent dots scattered throughout the scene, creating an ethereal atmosphere. There are also cascades of lava adding a warm orange glow to …
A pixel art image showing an imaginative, vertical cave scene. Eminent pillars and ruins with classical architecture adorn the left side, leading up to a temple-like structure atop a cliff. The scene is lit by a cascade of ethereal blue light that seems to be flowing from the upper regions, bathing the cavern in a supernatural glow. There’s a river running through the center, with a bridge crossing over it. The water is bioluminescent, adding a surreal quality to the environment. In the backgro…
2024-05-07 12:55:01

#PamelaAnderson #DavidCharvet #DavidHasselhoff
Season 6 Episode 19 "Forbidden Paradise: part 1"
2024-05-08 08:06:24

‘“Cinema will disappear,” Godard predicted, “when it is no longer projected” – when the beam of light has gone. Entering the cinema, entering the darkness to find the light, allows us to exit from ourselves, to live for a while in another space and another time, one which casts a prophetic light on the real society and history existing outside.’

old black and white photo of the interior of a cinema while a film is being projected
modern cinema interior
2024-04-07 16:13:53

Kjekt med et leketŸyskamera som skriver ut på termopapir
#shittycamerachallenge #FunPrint #aliexpress

Et turkis/hvit leketøyskamera som kan skrive ut på svart/hvit termopapir. Ved siden av, bilder som er skrevet ut av et Minolta speilrefleks og et Yashica to-øyd speilrefleks
2024-03-07 19:52:13

They called him Al Balcon…
#ai #transcription #vimeo

Screenshot of video transcript in Vimeo interface that starts “Hi, my name’s Al Balcon,”
2024-03-08 16:38:40

great way to end the week, @…

A screenshot from, showing ghosts of hands having fun on the internet
A screenshot from, showing ghosts of hands having fun on the internet
A screenshot from, showing ghosts of hands having fun on the internet. There's confetti falling
A screenshot from, showing ghosts of hands having fun on the internet. Someone is flipping the bird at all of us, excellent
2024-03-09 06:03:01

A boy and his bone
#chihuahua #DogsOfFediverse #DogsOfMastodon

Chihuahua on a mat chewing on his bone
2024-04-07 17:03:21

2024-02-09 07:26:01
2024-05-08 20:46:11

The perfect Mastodon moderation principle

A four panel comic showing a tree talking to an apple. The tree states “we don't discriminate on this page, bigots of all flavors get yeeted”, the apple responds “That makes you just as bad as the bigots, instead you should engage them in rational debate”. The tree as a response yeets the apple as far away as possible and says “and so do their centrist apologists”
2024-04-08 13:13:12

Another 5 miles today…
#mke #Milwaukee #biking

A map of a bike ride.
2024-03-07 15:54:00

Mastodon und Threads als Vorbild: Elon Musk kündigt Designänderungen bei X an
Wer bei X bisher durch die Timeline scrollt, sieht direkt, welche Beiträge am beliebtesten sind und viele Interaktionen sammeln. Das will Elon Musk abschaffen.
2024-05-08 23:37:11

Some progress to get Runestone to show Breakpoint markers.
Since I am going behind Runestone's back, I can't quite change the font color for the line number, and that looks ugly.
2024-03-08 00:50:35
2024-03-07 22:25:32

D119,348 - issued in 1940 for a design for a "wedding gown." #DesignPatents

design patent drawings disclosing a long wedding gown with a small train, short sleeves, and a basque waist
2024-03-08 18:22:12

#JetBrainsRider EAP has some new icons. Pretty cool. #dotnet

JetBrains Rider code completion with new icons.
2024-04-09 05:08:55

De grootste partij in dit land heeft het continu over het deel van de immigratie, asielzoekers, dat het minst belangrijk is (zie blokje asiel in onderstaande grafiek).
#politiek #PVV #asiel
2024-03-08 06:30:13

Solar PV capacity still chugging along at 4 GW/year in the Netherlands, reaching 24 GW by end-2023. That's 1.35 kW per inhabitant, and way above the national peak demand (~18 GW)
Fed by generous government support, including continued net metering for residential systems.
Graph by @… on the birdsite.

Graph showing hockeystick growth form 0 GW in 2010 to 2 GW by 2016 and 24 GW by 2023
2024-04-07 14:44:31

Right, so, visualisations of Galloway
1. About 5,000 years after the ice has melted, with widespread forest;
2. About 5,000 years after that, after 200 generations of human settlement.
This is pure simulation, not actual data; but the land it shows as flooded is either still lochs and wetlands, or land we know has historically been drained. The areas of settlement are plausible, and map onto historical settlements.

Visualisation of Galloway just before the start of human settlement. Valleys largely climax forest, hills largely boreal forest. Only the highest hilltops are moorland.

A great deal of flooded land, but it's in the right places.
Visualisation of Galloway at the height of the iron age. Substantial areas of settlement, but not on the lowest land. Still substantial wetlands. Lowland forests largely gone, upland forests remain.
2024-04-07 11:54:01

Vannmalleri av vann/innsjŸer hvor vannet fra innsjŸen brukes i vannmalingen
#norsktut #allheimen #dropsfabrikken

Utstillingslokale med mange vannmalinger av norske innsjøer
2024-03-08 16:19:45

What fresh hell is this?
#ai #fediverse

Screenshot of fediverse profile in Mona app:

Photo of (AI generated?) generic platinum blonde white woman with blue eyes.
Follows You
Digital Persona
Joined 8 Mar 2024
0 Posts, 1 Following, 0 Followers
2024-05-08 20:50:07

Do you or a loved one know of any extremism on Mastodon? 🤨

A meme of a peasant saying “we should improve society somewhat” and a person sitting in a well responds happily with a Facebook notification saying “Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist? We care about preventing extremism on Facebook. Others in your situation have received confidential support.”
2024-04-07 22:10:58

I did manage a 5.28 mile ride this morning before the rain. It’s been a while, felt good to get out there again. (I also reported a bunch of potholes to the city.)
#mke #Milwaukee #biking

Map of a bike ride mostly in a cemetery.
2024-05-08 21:24:20

NIH to open long #COVID clinical trials to study sleep disturbances, exercise intolerance, and post exertional malaise
2024-02-09 10:33:00
Content warning:

Happy #FannyFriday!
We are visiting the #yonic art of Democratic Republic of the Congo today. This carved ivory masango sculpture depicts a standing female figure with small breasts and a prominent pubic triangle.

An ivory figurine of a standing woman with two strong legs, small breasts and slender arms. She is depicted with a prominent pubic triangle marked by dots and markings in the face at hat might be make-up or decorative scars.
2024-03-07 12:58:08

Oh, thank fuck they found out in time and didn’t end up accidentally being on the right side of history. Whew! Bullet dogded!
2024-05-08 22:24:19

UI-wise, I am struggling with that tab bar at the top.
Godot has an unusual set of tabs at the top that map to scenes, but the actual view is controlled by the top-level items.
I am not sure what to do about those two tab bars.
2024-02-09 10:04:01

Scientists Baffled After Finding 4 Gigantic Mountains Lurking Under the Ocean
2024-04-07 13:33:17

D306,888 - issued in 1990 for a design for a "toy beaver animal figure." #DesignPatents

toy shaped like a flattened egg with a tail and vaguely beaver-like, cartoonish features
2024-05-08 17:05:47

#JetBrainsRider ability to help you find assemblies and fix TagHelper registrations is just 👨🏻‍🍳💋.
It is a lifesaver for #aspnetcore developers since these registrations can cause unexpected behaviors and, worst of all, no errors.
I've found these registration mistakes in m…

Autocompleting the tag helper registration in a razor view
2024-04-07 14:44:31

Right, so, visualisations of Galloway
1. About 5,000 years after the ice has melted, with widespread forest;
2. About 5,000 years after that, after 200 generations of human settlement.
This is pure simulation, not actual data; but the land it shows as flooded is either still lochs and wetlands, or land we know has historically been drained. The areas of settlement are plausible, and map onto historical settlements.

Visualisation of Galloway just before the start of human settlement. Valleys largely climax forest, hills largely boreal forest. Only the highest hilltops are moorland.

A great deal of flooded land, but it's in the right places.
Visualisation of Galloway at the height of the iron age. Substantial areas of settlement, but not on the lowest land. Still substantial wetlands. Lowland forests largely gone, upland forests remain.
2024-05-08 17:51:48

April 2024 was warmer globally than any previous April on record, with an average surface air temperature of 15.03°C, 0.67°C above the 1991-2020 average for April and 0.14°C above the previous high set in April 2016.
#globalwarming #ClimateChange

Maps showing anomalies for world and Europe. Strikingly warm in east Europe.
2024-05-08 17:02:39

Waving Via
2024-03-08 01:54:30

This crust was super thin in the middle and puffy on the rim. Turned out great! I used Bob's Red Mill "00" flour. A slice had the "flop" when you pick it up and (according to my wife) the right amount of grease.
#pizza #baking

A pizza in an oven on a baking steel.
2024-04-08 18:58:07

#eclipse #ireland

Photo of sky with gray clouds with a few leafless branches visible on the lower left.
2024-05-07 12:26:20

Good morning fellow Strict Concurrency lovers.
Rethought my model and we are at 38 warnings down from 30,000.
2024-03-07 13:12:46

Judge Bucklo denies a motion dissolve or modify the TRO and asset freeze in one of SHEIN's #ScheduleA cases:

One of
defendants’ attorneys states in a declaration submitted with their
motion that third-party Temu (the platform on which defendants
sold the allegedly infringing products) produced a spreadsheet
identifying (1) the total amount of assets frozen on the Temu
platform, and (2) the dollar amount of sales from the accused
products on the platform. See Chen Decl. ¶ 2, ECF 31-1; see also
Exh. A, ECF 31-2 (copy of spreadsheet from Temu). Defendants also
attach to their motion declarations given by…
2024-03-07 15:29:13

I am dazzling the #JetBrains #food slack channel with my culinary exploits. Watch out, Gordon Ramsey, I'm coming for you!

Raw carrot with a cheese slice on top
2024-05-08 04:40:36
Content warning: Rafah — The Final Safezone

This safezone turned refugee camp is now under attack again, and 100.000 people already have to flee by orders of the Israeli military. Far more will have to flee soon, which in most cases won't be their first displacement in this conflict alone. Over 1.000.000 people have arrived in Rafah, hoping to be safe from Israel's bombardment there.
A war in which 90% of deaths are civilians [

A video by Al Jazeera showing the different cities, especially Rafah, in shambles and with horrible infrastructure, whilst interviewing some of the many perspectives and refugees.
2024-04-08 06:22:14

It’s not what you say…
2024-04-08 07:48:00
Content warning:

It's the Day of Selene / Luna's Day / #Monday! 🌛
"Three nights remained before Luna's [#Selene's] bright horns would meet and form her orb; then when she shone in fullest radiance and with form complete gazed down upon the sleeping lands below."

Oil painting of Luna as a naked woman asleep in the clouds, surrounded by stars. Her crotch and legs are covered with a transparent black fabric.
2024-03-07 19:53:29

February 2024 was the warmest February on record globally, with an average surface air temperature 0.81°C above the already warmed 1991-2020 average for February. The month was 1.77°C warmer than an estimate of the February average for 1850-1900.
#globalwarming #ClimateChange

Maps showing the highest animales in North America, Europe, and Northern Siberia.
2024-04-07 19:03:48

My spot to watch the eclipse tomorrow
2024-05-07 14:05:25

If you’re tired of hearing about the genocide in Gaza, just imagine how tired the Palestinians are of dying from it.
#israel #palestine #gaza
2024-04-08 18:45:04

A neat feature of #JetBrainsRider is the ability to remove a wrapping #HTML element.

Remove the wrapping element with JetBrains Rider. (Cmd+Shift+Del).
2024-05-07 16:15:04

I have only watched the real Super Mario Movie (1993) and have never regretted that decision

A meme showing the cover art for the new Super Mario Bros movie (2023) and the old Super Mario Bros movie (1993) with the following text:

A generic kids movie only held up by cameos and references (2023 Super Mario)

An avant garde cyberpunk film about a dystopia capitalistic society hell bent on genociding the inferior species that is brought down by two blue collar men (1993 Super Mario)
2024-05-07 22:26:28

Sikh leaders welcome arrests in Canada activist killing: Leaders demand justice for threats against Sikh activists in North America and accusations of Indian gov’t involvement.
2024-04-09 07:34:02
Content warning:

It's the Day of Ares / Mars' Day / #Tuesday! 🗡️
"Demodokos struck his lyre and began a beguiling song about the loves of Ares and Aphrodite, how first they lay together secretly in the dwelling of #Hephaistos. Ares had offered many gifts to the garlanded divinity and covered wi…

A large ancient Roman mosaic depicting the courtship of Ares and Aphrodite. Ares sits in the center wearing a crested helmet, he has been disarmed of his sword by two erotes that fly above. Aphrodite is to the left holding her scepter. To the right stands Euperpia, the personification of beauty.
2024-02-09 08:54:23

It is Friday, February 9th, 2024 and Israel is committing genocide in Palestine.
2024-05-07 14:00:14

Entzaubern ✨ 🪄 🧙

Screenshot von Bluesky vom User „”

Hier sehen wir den durch viele scharfe Argumente und harte Debatten arg in Mitleidenschaft gezogenen Reichstag in Berlin. In einer letzten großen Talkrunde konnte die sowjetische Rote Armee letztendlich die Nazis entzaubern. Auch heute dient das Gebäude noch dem inhaltlichen Austausch mit Nazis.

Angehängt ist ein Bild vom zerstörten Reichstag zum Ende des 2. Weltkriegs, zu sehen sind Panzer welche auf das Gebäude losfahren und Flug…
2024-03-07 21:10:18

I still think ownership transfer will be the most challenging part of wrapping my brain around #rust, especially with nearly two decades of #dotnet programming.
The shoe collection ownership is passed to the function, so it can't be used after the function call.

let shoes = vec![
            Shoe { size: 10, style: String
2024-05-08 02:07:48

Perpetuating myths about men's violence against women: “men—all men—live, work, play, drink, eat, and talk with men who are violent to women. Most men don’t know it. Many of them don’t believe it. “
2024-03-08 10:13:38
Content warning:

Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday 🌹
"#Aphrodite glorious-crowned, the Bride of strong #Ares."
Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy 1.909

Votive relief of Ares and Aphrodite. She is holding her veil, pouring a libation into the bowl he is holding.
2024-05-08 15:00:04

it's odd to say the least

A meme with text saying “cis people will be born and base their entire personality on one of these two” below you can see of the X and Y chromosome
2024-05-08 02:07:48

Perpetuating myths about men's violence against women: “men—all men—live, work, play, drink, eat, and talk with men who are violent to women. Most men don’t know it. Many of them don’t believe it. “
2024-02-09 08:56:46

You can say you opposed it, you can say you were indifferent, you can say you were complicit, but the one thing you cannot say is that you didn’t know.
#israel #palestine #gaza
2024-03-08 18:08:48

Do you think all people deserve a level of life that affords them human dignity? Are you not a fan of fascists? According to the UK government, you could be…
#prevent #uk #ukpol
2024-04-07 15:01:07
Content warning: Bernd Höcke und Elon Musk (Liebe auf dem ersten Blick)

Nach Martin Sellner unterstützt Elon Musk nun auch Bernd Höcke!
Die Konversation fand auf Englisch statt, was die meisten von euch verstehen sollten! Dennoch findet ihr eine Übersetzung in der Bildbeschreinung.

Ein Screenshot welches eine Konversation auf Twitter zeigt zwischen „BjoernHoecke” (eher bekannt unter dem echten Namen Bernd Höcke), mit folgendem Inhalt:

Bernd Höcke schreibt: Einmal mehr ist Deutschland Vorreiter bei der Verfolgung politischer Gegner und der Unterdrückung der freien Meinungsäußerung. Am 18. April stehe ich in Halle vor Gericht.  Mir wird vorgeworfen, ein angebliches Zitat verwendet zu haben, in dem ich meinen Patriotismus „falsch“ ausgedrückt habe. Ich lade Sie ein, nach Ha…
2024-05-08 12:33:25

When you’ve even lost the New Statesman: The Tories’ death spiral - Rishi Sunak has failed to provide his party with the coherent leadership it needs.
2024-05-08 12:25:45

Fuelled by climate change, the world's oceans have broken temperature records every single day over the past year, a BBC analysis finds.
Nearly 50 days have smashed existing highs for the time of year by the largest margin in the satellite era.
2024-03-08 13:32:07

Raus zum feministischen Kampftag! FEMINISMUS ODER SCHLÄGEREI! :transfeminism: JEDEN 3. TAG TÖTET DAS PATRIARCHAT! :femin:

Ein Video auf dem eine VERMUMMTE, UNBEKANNTE Person ein Graffiti auf den Boden sprüht mit der Aufschrift „Feminismus oder Schlägerei”
2024-03-08 15:37:27

New blog post: Streaming HTML
Let me show you how easy it is to create a simple counter web app using the new Streaming HTML workflow in Kitten before peeling away the magic layer by layer so you learn how to make the same app usi…

Still from video in the post showing me with two windows on screen: Helix Editor showing some code:

const Count = () => kitten.html`
    style='font-size: 2em;'

And a web browser with heading Counter, a count of 5, and a increament (+) and decrement (-) button.
2024-05-08 20:02:22

“I didn't think he was gonna stop”: Cousin of infamous extremist rabbi Meir Kahane attacks student protesters with car
2024-03-08 10:48:31

Danke GDL — Verteidigende der Meinungsfreiheit und Demokratie :GDL_Gewerkschaft_Deutscher_Lokomotivfuehrer: :Claus_Weselsky: :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

Ein Screenshot einer Instagram Kommentarsektion in der Erik Uden schreibt: „Danke für eure Solidarität! Die Lufthansa hat dieses Jahr ihre Gewinne verdoppelt, der drittbeste Abschluss in der gesamten Firmengeschichte! Das den Arbeitenden welche nun dieses gesamte Geld erwirtschaftet haben nun auch ein Stück vom Kuchen zusteht ist nur fair. Vielen Dank das ihr sie in ihrem Kampf unterstützt, ein besserer Lohn für sie oder euch bedeutet ein besserer Lohn für Alle!

Zwischendrin hat sich jemand g…
2024-05-07 17:01:21

Israel insists it has a right to defend itself from ceasefire agreements
Prime satire. Read & weep.
* * *
‘…Israel said no to the deal that would have freed the hos…
2024-05-07 21:15:14

Ukraine says it foiled alleged Russian plot to kill Zelenskyy & intelligence officials as gift for Putin
2 men caught were colonels in Ukraine's state guard service allegedly recruited by Russia | CBC News”

2024-04-07 21:11:55

Watch this interview till the very end.
2024-05-09 02:58:05

Keeping it all in the family: Barron Trump picked to serve as a Florida delegate at Republican National Convention

Trump family
2024-05-07 17:23:34

On this holy day of The #Apple Event, I find myself writing the following comment in my code after trying to run my app on a #Mac:
Metadata about the database itself.
This is inlined here instead of being kept in its own Database.js file like all the other model classes so as not to…
2024-04-07 21:33:51

When ‘ruthless’ Boeing cut costs, the damage spread: “Crush the workers. Share price. Share price. Share price. Financial moves & metrics come first,” was Boeing’s philosophy, he said. It was, he said, “a ruthless effort to cut costs without any realization of what it could do to capabilities.”
To drive down costs, Boeing chose to aggressively confront first its workforce & its suppliers rather than partner with them. It left both, Aboulafia said, “angry & alienated.”
2024-03-09 08:58:16

The W3C – the standards body of surveillance capitalism – on privacy.
If you had any “privacy principles” to speak of, what would Adobe, Alibaba, Amazon, Baidu, Bloomberg, Google, Huawei, IAB, IBM, Meta, Microsoft, Oracle, Samsung, Bilibili, SoftBank, Tencent, Yahoo!, Zoom, etc., be doing on your members list?
2024-04-07 21:33:51

When ‘ruthless’ Boeing cut costs, the damage spread: “Crush the workers. Share price. Share price. Share price. Financial moves & metrics come first,” was Boeing’s philosophy, he said. It was, he said, “a ruthless effort to cut costs without any realization of what it could do to capabilities.”
To drive down costs, Boeing chose to aggressively confront first its workforce & its suppliers rather than partner with them. It left both, Aboulafia said, “angry & alienated.”
2024-05-08 21:27:30

Tl;Dr nope! Bonza fallout: Can Australia sustain another airline? - ABC listen

Airplane tails
2024-03-07 20:00:32

Project 2025: The Right’s Dystopian Plan to Dismantle Civil Rights and What It Means for Women - Ms. Magazine
With careful planning, conservatives today are working to make their policy priorities permanent—no matter what happens in future elections.…

Kevin Roberts, president of The Heritage Foundation, during a news conference on government funding with the House Freedom Caucus outside the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2023. (Tom Williams / CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)
2024-03-07 20:00:32

Project 2025: The Right’s Dystopian Plan to Dismantle Civil Rights and What It Means for Women - Ms. Magazine
With careful planning, conservatives today are working to make their policy priorities permanent—no matter what happens in future elections.…

Kevin Roberts, president of The Heritage Foundation, during a news conference on government funding with the House Freedom Caucus outside the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2023. (Tom Williams / CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)